



  前言:阿肯色州(State of Arkansas),阿肯简称阿州,色州是移民样美国南部的一个州份,位处密西西比河中下游,美国北接密苏里州,阿肯西界俄克拉荷马州,色州南邻路易斯安那州,移民样西南与得克萨斯州接壤,美国东隔密西西比河与田纳西州和密西西比州相望,阿肯其面积137539Km²,色州人口2810872(2006年)。移民样其首府是美国小石城。州名来自印第安语,阿肯原为夸保族、奥萨格族、卡多族、切罗基族和乔克托族印地安人居住地。阿肯色州立大学性大学有:阿肯色大学菲亚特维尔校区,中阿肯色大学,阿肯色州立大学,阿肯色科技大学,阿肯色大学小石城分校。除此以外,职业性大学有阿肯色医科大学。阿肯色医科大学,阿肯色大学菲亚特维尔,阿肯色大学小石城分校都属于阿肯色大学系统,也是该州唯一的大学系统。

  一、 阿肯色州纵览

  • Located in south of the US; borders with Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma,

  • State capital and largest city is Little Rock,

  • The only state name with an official pronunciation set out in state legislation,

  • Before adopting ‘The Natural State’ in 1995, Arkansas had as its official nickname ‘Land of Opportunity’,

  • Famous musicians from Arkansas include Beth Ditto, Johnny Cash and Al Green,

  • Top agricultural products by revenue are broilers (young chickens), rice, soybeans, cattle and calves, and cotton,

  • Natural gas is most important mined product, followed by petroleum and bromine.








  With the Grand Prairie and Mississippi to the east, and the cowboy country of Texas to the west, Arkansas is a paradise for explorers, nature-lovers and those simply seeking a break from the fast pace of urban life.Nicknamed ‘The Natural State’, Arkansas is saturated with forests, national parks, prairies, hot springs, mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes. It even contains 610 square km worth of unspoilt wilderness areas, in which no mechanized vehicles are allowed.Thanks to all these natural attractions, tourism is big business in Arkansas. Agriculture also makes a large contribution to the economy, especially livestock farming, and more than 30% of the state is dedicated to farmland.

  After state capital and largest city Little Rock, major cities include Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Jonesboro, Pine Bluff and Springdale.For those unfamiliar with the state, its name can cause some confusion. The official pronunciation is ‘Ar-ken-saw’, or, as state legislation from 1947 specifies:It should be pronounced in three syllables, with the final ‘s’ silent, the ‘a’ in each syllable with the Italian sound, and the accent on the first and last syllables. The pronunciation with the accent on the second syllable with the sound of ‘a’ in ‘man’ and the sounding of the terminal ‘s’ is an innovation to be discouraged.In fact, both the spelling and pronunciation of Arkansas have been a matter of some disagreement throughout history. Early spellings included ‘Akensea’, ‘Acansa’ and ‘Arkansaw’.The final decision to spell the name one way and pronounce it in another is related to the state’s ethnic heritage. The official pronunciation is intended to retain the sounds used by the native Americans who originally named the land, while the spelling recognizes the legacy of the French explorers who subsequently mapped the region.However, people from Arkansas (‘Ar-ken-saw’) are still known as Arkansans.

  随着大草原和密西西比河的东部以及西部牛仔州的西部,阿肯色州是探险者、自然爱好者和那些想要逃离城市生活节奏的人的天堂。别名“自然之州”的阿肯色有森林、国家公园、大草原、温泉、高山、山谷、河流和湖泊。它甚至包含610平方公里的未被破坏的荒野地区,在这些地区,任何机动车辆都是不可以开进去的。由于这些自然景观,旅游业是阿肯色州的大生意。农业也对经济做出了巨大贡献,尤其是畜牧业,超过30%的国家致力于农田。在州首都和最大的城市小石城之后,主要城市有史密斯堡、费耶特维尔、琼斯博罗、松崖和斯普林代尔。对于那些不熟悉国家的人来说,它的名字可能会引起一些混乱。官方的发音是“ar - kensaw”,或者根据1947年的州立法规定:它应该发音为三个音节,最后是“沉默的”,每一个音节中的“a”和意大利语的发音,以及第一个音节和最后一个音节的重音。第二个音节的发音和“a”的发音以及终端“s”的发音是一种不鼓励的创新。事实上,在历史上,阿肯色州的拼写和发音都是一些不一致的问题。早期的拼写包括“Akensea”、“Acansa”和“Arkansaw”。把名字拼成另一种方式的最终决定与该州的民族遗产有关。官方的发音是为了保留最初命名这片土地的印第安人所使用的声音,而拼写识别则是后来绘制该地区地图的法国探险家留下的遗产。然而,来自阿肯色州的人仍然被称为阿肯色人。


  The University of Arkansas System, the main state body for higher education, includes six universities, as well as a number of two-year community colleges, and several specialized schools.Of the universities, the flagship campus is the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, which has more than 23,000 students enrolled, coming from all 540 US states and also around 100 countries.The University of Arkansas also has campuses at Little Rock, Monticello, Pine Bluff and Fort Smith.




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